Going Through a Miscarriage Alone: Coping with Grief When Your Partner Works FIFO

Losing a pregnancy is one of the most devastating experiences a woman can go through. It's a loss that leaves an indelible mark on your life, no matter how long ago it happened. But going through a miscarriage alone can make the pain even more unbearable. When your partner is working FIFO, you can feel especially isolated and unsupported during such a traumatic experience. I know this because I've been there.
When I found out I was pregnant, I was overjoyed. My husband and I had been trying to conceive for months, and finally, we were going to have a baby. But my happiness was short-lived. Just a few weeks after I found out, I started experiencing cramping and bleeding. I knew something was wrong. I went to the doctor, and they confirmed my worst fears: I was having a miscarriage.
My husband was working FIFO, and there was no way for him to get home quickly. I was left to deal with the physical and emotional pain on my own. I spent hours crying in bed, feeling empty and alone. I tried to reach out to friends and family, but they didn't know what to say. It seemed like everyone was afraid to bring up the subject, as if talking about it would make it worse.
I felt like I was drowning in my grief, and my husband was the only one who could save me. But he was hundreds of miles away, working on a mine site, and there was nothing he could do. I resented him for being away, even though I knew it wasn't his fault. I felt like he had abandoned me when I needed him the most.
I tried to keep busy, but everything reminded me of what I had lost. Seeing pregnant women on the street was like a punch in the gut. Even going to the grocery store was too much to bear. I felt like a failure as a woman and as a wife. Why couldn't I carry a baby to term? Why couldn't my husband be here to hold me and tell me everything would be okay?
It's been years since my miscarriage, and I still think about it every day. But I've learned that I'm not alone. Miscarriage is a common experience, and many women go through it alone because their partners are working away. It's okay to feel angry, sad, and alone. But it's also important to reach out for help when you need it.
If you're going through a miscarriage alone because your partner is away working FIFO, know that you're not alone. Talk to a counselor, join a support group, or reach out to friends and family for support. And know that, even though it may not feel like it right now, things will get better. The pain will never go away completely, but it will become more manageable over time.
To anyone going through a miscarriage, know that you're not alone. You are strong, and you will get through this. And to anyone who knows someone going through a miscarriage, don't be afraid to reach out. Even if you don't know what to say, just being there can make a world of difference.